Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

What do I want to change in my life❓

Jim Ron, a well-known American business coach and author of numerous books on personal development, said: "I used to think like this: "I hope that everything will change." Then I realized that there is only one way for everything to change – to change myself."👍

Really, if you want changes, start with yourself ☝️

❗️Every day it is we who decide where we are moving: forward or backward ⚠️ And our life depends only on ourselves, no one 🙅♂️ can change it except us ❤

🎯 In addition to the desire, a willingness to change and active actions are necessary:

Define a specific goal and its time frame;
Explore your capabilities and resources;
Develop the steps;
Follow the plan clearly.

The simplest and most effective motivation is to hang the plan in a prominent place to see what you are striving for.

Don't be afraid of mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, this is normal, sometimes a negative experience is more useful than a positive one.

Fight against what prevents change: fears, laziness, limiting beliefs, negative thinking, echoes of bad experiences, etc. ⠀

Believe in yourself 💪 and always look for opportunities for growth! Everything will work out!💯
P.S. Personally, I plan to change my apartment to a private house 🏡 in the Moscow region and now I am gradually moving towards the intended goal 🎯

❔ And what do you want to change in your life? What are you striving for and what steps are you taking to achieve this? Share in the comments 🤝


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