Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

Preparing for a New Year's photo shoot

What New Year's Eve? It's still summer ... ah, it's already September. Then yes, still a post in the subject.👍🏻

What color scheme should I choose for a photo shoot?
- Preferably take red, white, black, gold. This range is perfectly combined with the Christmas tree and lights. But other color options are always considered.

And what is the most important thing for a photo shoot?
- Your good mood

What should be the clothes?
- If you are with your family, then your bows should be similar. To make the frame look harmonious.
One-hour shooting, one image?
- no. You can prepare several options with clothes. And also, by making a light make-up, it is easy to convert it into an evening one.

For the youngest family members, you can choose cute Christmas costumes🔥
⠀ 💬
Are you ready for winter photography? Share it in the comments.


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