Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

Interesting facts about dogs

I recently came across an article about amazing facts about dogs and realized how little I happen to know about them.
So, I share the most curious moments.

Dogs understand from 250 words and gestures, "count" up to five and can solve simple mathematical problems. Their intelligence is about the same as that of two-year-olds;
Dogs are 100,000 times better at smelling than humans (hiding goodies from them is a failed idea);
Like human children, chihuahuas are born with a soft spot on their head – a fontanel that hardens with age;
📍 The Canary Islands were named after a dog. It is "canaris" that means dog in translation. But the canaries were named after the name of the islands themselves;
📍In ancient China, dogs were the defenders of the emperor. The dog was sitting in his sleeve, if necessary, it could jump out and bite the offender of its owner;
📍Dogs are the only animals that can determine a person's emotions by one look. They don't need to say anything, they immediately understand how a person feels;
📍Approximately 45% of dogs sleep in their owners' beds, even if they don't allow it. Dogs come to the bedroom after they leave for work or to the store.

🐕 Maybe you know something else interesting about these amazing creatures?
Add to the list, write comments.

Ph: @safronoviv_photo
Loc: @shansbio


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