Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

🧡 If work is a joy…

If work is a joy, then money is earned easily.
When a person does what he loves, happiness begins to fill him from the inside. Life blooms. This extraordinary feeling gives birth to positive energy, which is transmitted to others.
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Time is our priceless gift, a limited resource, and it is definitely not worth spending it on something that does not bring pleasure.
When we gain our recognition, we fulfill our destiny.
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It is possible and necessary to earn a living by doing something that you like, but staying at a job that regularly poisons your life is your own choice.
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I am infinitely glad that I listened to myself a long time ago and made a choice in favor of photography.
As Confucius said: "Find a job you like, and you won't have to work a single day in your life." What I sincerely wish you, dear friends!
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Share 🙏 your opinion on this in the comments.
Are you engaged in activities for your soul or are you working at an unloved job? What is more important – creativity or wealth? Is it possible to monetize 🫰your hobby?
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Ph: @safronoviv_photo
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