Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

About anger

All people are angry, only few people admit it ...

The topic of aggression is usually avoided. For example, most people are afraid to show anger and suppress it deep inside themselves.

And in vain… After all, it helps us to better understand ourselves, our needs, desires, to see what is suitable and what is not.

If you do not run away from anger, but explore, correctly express it and direct energy in a constructive direction, then it will be an assistant.

The next time you experience this feeling, ask yourself questions. What were my boundaries violated? What is useful in my anger that she wants to convey to me? What can I change thanks to her?

Do you get angry often? How do you work with this feeling? I will be glad to comment 🙏

Ph: @safronoviv_photo
Md: @_siberianna
Mua: @beautyunderwine
Loc: @wonderstudio


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