Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

10 tips for those who dream of becoming a photographer

What is important for everyone who starts their journey into the world of photography to know💡

Probably, any person who dreams of becoming a photographer thinks that there is nothing supernatural in this. And, really, what's complicated here, I picked up the camera, a click – and the frame is ready ...
In fact, this is not the case. This is a huge effort.

In this regard, I decided to write a small memo 📝 for novice photographers.

Your main task is successful, live shots that reflect the moments of the client's life, for this you need to be both a director and a subtle psychologist during the shooting process;

📌 Be prepared for the fact that the material processing process is long and routine;
📌 Take pictures regularly. The more you shoot and analyze the footage, the faster you will get used to it;
📌 Work requires patience: sometimes even an ordinary photo shoot involves a large number of shots for several successful shots;
Develop creative thinking, learn to see the beautiful in the ordinary;
📌 Never stop studying photography. Look for new ideas, ideas, improve;
Before starting training, it is important to have an understanding of financial investments: a professional camera costs a lot of money (life hack: if you are not sure which camera to buy better, rent and test different models, this is a great option to understand which one will suit you the most). In addition, you will need auxiliary equipment: various lenses for different foci, lighting devices, etc.;
📌 Despite the fact that the schedule, in most cases, is quite free and flexible, you should be ready for hard work on weekends, holidays and good weather;
Be sure to create an online portfolio, actively promote your social networks, recruit customers;
📌 Every professional has his own story. Everyone had fear, excitement, and worries. Over time, this will go away, you will develop your style and become more confident, the main thing is to believe in yourself!


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